Your investments are a reflection of you: your drive, your aspirations, your legacy.
Our approach to your investments is designed to reflect your needs, attitude to risk and desired level of involvement, combined with helping you achieve your wealth ambitions. It is impossible to predict market movements or fluctuations accurately, so we believe playing the long game - by investing and staying invested - is the best way to ensure you don’t miss out. Each individual’s investment needs are different. We reflect yours.
Our approach
While managing your investments is a top priority, it may require more time and attention than your busy schedule permits. HSBC Discretionary Portfolio Management is precisely designed to address this situation: investors who desire peace of mind and the time to focus on other priorities can hand over day-to-day investment responsibility to us, whilst retaining an element of control over the parameters of the mandate.
The investment universe is broad and complex, but with more than 500 specialist investment professionals in 30 countries researching, assessing and investing in equities, fixed income, funds and alternative investments, HSBC is well placed to ensure your objectives are met.
Whether you want to work exclusively with HSBC’s managers, or for us to select third-party managers, all portfolio management is founded on four common principles:
- Dynamic Asset Allocation: The core driver of your portfolio’s performance returns is a HSBC-driven set of asset allocation choices.
- Rigorous rebalancing: Your portfolio will benefit from a disciplined process of rebalancing, intend to optimise long-term risk and returns.
- Risk management: Central to our investment philosophy is putting controls in place so that any activity undertaken in your portfolio is within your risk tolerance.
- Cost efficiency: A consistent focus on negotiating the most competitive fees.
Our Solutions
Multi-Asset Solutions
CMS, AMS and SIS are multi-asset portfolio programmes designed to provide a broad range of risk solutions and support you in achieving your long-term investment goals. They do so by blending equity and fixed income/bond allocations to deliver carefully-optimised exposure, while also offering the additional option of an alternative investment strategy component. All three solutions are underpinned by a Strategic Asset Allocation (SAA) designed to match your risk/return objectives through cost effective implementation and security selection.
Single-Asset Solutions
Single asset portfolios are available if you wish to focus on a specific asset class or strategy. You have the choice of using HSBC’s expertise in globally- or regionally- biased equity and fixed income markets, or a carefully chosen portfolio of third-party managers that specialise in a particular market or strategy.
Bespoke Solutions
If you require a highly tailored approach to pinpoint exact risk exposures to complement your overall portfolio, this is also available. In this instance, we partner with HSBC Global Asset Management to create a customised service for individuals with institutional needs. This includes equity and various fixed income opportunities, ranging from investment grade bonds, to high yield, to emerging markets.